remote test lab

Unlock the power of remote automotive testing

Remote Test Lab (RTL) is comprehensive solution for full-scale remote infotainment testing and advanced test management
to optimize testing processes and test bench utilization.

Connect testers from around the globe. Make it work 24/7

Link experts and testers worldwide, easily recruit specialists. You can assemble a testing team from across the globe, while keeping your
know-how safe and secure.

Optimize your test bench utilization. Coordinate people and testing projects

Gain insights and maximize test bench utilization, share resources to reduce costs. Concentrate test benches in a data center for centralized maintenance, enhancing coordination of personnel and projects to achieve more with fewer resources.

Free staff from being chained to the test bench. Enhance their comfort

Do not force personnel to sit at noisy, overheated equipment. Eliminate the need for them to waste time moving between locations. This will increase the efficiency of testing.

Leverage shared expertise to elevate testing quality across the Volkswagen Group

By facilitating connections between teams, RTL enhances the sharing of expertise within the VW Group, improving the quality of testing across the organization.

Benefits for helplines and aftersale service
Benefits for dealer's training centers for infotainment

RTL variants

RTL Professional  aaaa + aaaa

This version includes:
Core remote testing functionalities
Test management functionalities
Optional Add-ons + aaaa
RTL Professional can be expanded with optional add-on remote testing functionalities.

RTL Lite  aaaa

RTL Lite is streamlined to focus exclusively on test management functionalities, providing essential tools for organizing and managing your testing processes efficiently.

RTL other info

Basic mail support

For customers using the RTL solution, we provide technical support via email, which is included at no additional cost.

Advanced support

Optional support and services, available for order at any time.
Individual custom solutions

Interested in RTL?

Take a closer look

Live Demo: Experience our system in real-time to see the full range of capabilities.
Personalized Walkthrough: Get a guided tour tailored to your specific interests and questions.
Case Studies Presentation: Review successful implementations and results from existing clients.

Contact us

Michal Severa
Product Manager
Antonín Pertile
Acquisition Manager